What about ESL Bingo With Bigger Classes? This talking bingo variation works best in smaller classes of ten or less. You can do variations, such as “1 line,” “2 lines,” “X-Bingo” and “Blackout. The next person describes another word and on it goes, just like a regular Bingo game, but the students are speaking the whole time. The first student describes a word, but doesn’t actually say the word. Then, choose someone to go first (rocks-scissor-paper, draw numbers out of a hat, according to the attendance sheet, etc.).
Then the students fill in the grid randomly from the list of words on the board or PowerPoint. Give the students a pre-made Bingo Grid, or have them draw a 5×5 grid. If you use less, the game will be over very quickly. Have a list of about 35-40 vocabulary words that you’ve been studying (on the PPT works well). Materials Required: Blank “Bingo” grids, or blank paperĮSL Speaking Bingo is a very fun activity that kids, teenagers as well as university students seem to love. ESL speaking Bingo game How to Play ESL Speaking Bingo